Welcome and course outline
Theory: Introduction to neuromuscular ultrasound
Roy Beekman
Theory: Basic ultrasound and equipment setup
Nens van Alfen
Theory: Basic principles of nerve ultrasound
Johan Telleman
Demo: scanning the median and ulnar nerve
Gérard Leijtens
Demo: scanning the fibular nerve and the tibial nerve
Hands-on: equipment setup and scanning the median and ulnar nerve
Demo: scanning the radial nerve, PIN and SRN and lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
Eman Tafwik
Demo: scanning the sural nerve and superficial fibular nerve
Jeroen Venhovens
Hands-on scanning radial, PIN, SRN, lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
Hands-on: scanning all nerves from day 1
Case examples: Ultrasound for carpal tunnel syndrome and ulnar neuropathy at the elbow
Camiel Verhamme
Case examples: Ultrasound of of fibular neuropathy and tarsal tunnel syndrome
Case examples: Ultrasound of ulnar neuropathy at Guyon’s canal and radial neuropathy
Demo: scan protocol for the brachial plexus
Hands-on scanning: recap of the median, ulnar, radial, fibular and tibial nerve
Case examples: Ultrasound for neurogenic thoracic outlet syndrome
Case examples: Ultrasound for traumatic brachial plexus injury
Case examples: Ultrasound for sciatic nerve injury and entrapment
Demo: scanning small nerves in the neck (phrenic, accessory
Eman Tawfik
Hands-on scanning: brachial plexus, phrenic and accessory nerve
Case examples: Ultrasound for pathology of the sural and superficial fibular nerve
Stephan Goedee
Demo: scan protocol for the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh and obturator nerve
Case examples: Ultrasound for meralgia paresthetica
Theory: Introduction to ultrasound guided injections
Christiaan Saris
Hands-on scanning of skin nerves in the upper and lower limbs and injection phantom
Theory: Basic principles of muscle ultrasound including visual and quantitative analysis
Demo: muscle ultrasound of upper and lower limb muscles
Case examples: Muscle ultrasound for dystrophies and motor neuron disease
Demo: diaphragm, other respiratory and bulbar ultrasound
Hands-on scanning: a la carte